Glavni sadržaj
- 10/11/2023 - 2024 Ageing Report. Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies
- 19/09/2023 - Requirements for structural statistics 2023: overview of progress made
- 14/09/2022 - Requirements for structural statistics 2022: overview of progress made
- 21/09/2021 - Requirements for structural statistics 2021: overview of progress made
- 07/05/2021 - The 2021 Ageing Report: Economic and Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States (2019-2070)
- 17/09/2020 - Requirements for structural statistics 2020: overview of progress made
- 22/01/2020 - Joint paper on pensions 2019
- 27/11/2015 - The 2015 Ageing Report Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies
- 12/10/2011 - The 2012 Ageing Report Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies
- 12/01/2011 - EPC status report on the preparation of National Reform Programmes
- 13/10/2010 - Tertiary education report
- 13/10/2010 - Country fiches
- 13/10/2010 - Joint report on tertiary education
- 09/06/2010 - Interim EPC-SPC Joint Report on Pensions
- 09/06/2010 - Interim EPC-SPC Joint Report on Pensions - Annexes FINAL
- 29/04/2009 - The economic consequences of ageing populations: projections for the EU27 (technical press briefing)
- 27/04/2009 - The 2009 Ageing Report (Working document)
- 12/03/2008 - The Quality of Public Finances - Findings ofthe Economic Policy Committee-Working Group(2004-2007)
- 30/01/2008 - Economic instruments to reach energy and climate change targets
- 26/11/2007 - Report on the Second Progress Reports on the Lisbon National Reform Programmes 2005-2008
- 13/11/2007 - Pensions Schemes and Projection Models in EU-25 Member States
- 07/09/2007 - Initiatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending: "modernising public administration"
- 04/04/2007 - The efficiency and effectiveness of public spending
- 14/11/2006 - Factor mobility in the global economy: policies for growth in an interconnected world
- 14/11/2006 - Report on structural indicators
- 13/11/2006 - Report on first progress reports on the Lisbon national reform programmes 2005-2008
- 26/09/2006 - Report on national fiscal rules and independent institutions
- 02/05/2006 - ECOFIN contribution on the review of the EU Sustainable Development
- 28/04/2006 - EPC Report on Structural Policy Challenges in Croatia
- 27/02/2006 - Working together, working better: A new framework for the open coordination of social protection and inclusion policies in the European Union
- 16/02/2006 - Restructuring public expenditure: challenges and achievements
- 14/02/2006 - The impact of ageing on public expenditure: projections for the EU25 Member States on pensions, health care, longterm care, education and unemployment transfers (2004-2050) Annex
- 14/02/2006 - The impact of ageing on public expenditure: projections for the EU25 Member States on pensions, health care, longterm care, education and unemployment transfers (2004-2050)
- 06/02/2006 - Impact of ageing populations on public spending on pensions, health and long-term care, education and unemployment benefits for the elderly
- 22/11/2005 - Responding to the challenges of globalisation
- 22/11/2005 - Report on the Lisbon national reform programmes 2005
- 08/11/2005 - The 2005 EPC projection of age-related expenditure: Agreed underlying assumptions and projection methodologies
- 30/09/2005 - New and updated budgetary sensitivities for the EU budgetary surveillance
- 11/01/2005 - Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2005
- 31/08/2004 - Mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy: advancing reform in Europe
- 26/08/2004 - The structural challenges facing the candidate countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey) A comparative perspective
- 23/03/2004 - EPC report on potential output and output gaps
- 03/02/2004 - Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2004
- 08/12/2003 - Council Conclusions on Structural Indicators
- 22/10/2003 - The impact of ageing populations on public finances: overview of analysis carried out at EU level and proposals for a future work programme
- 28/02/2003 - Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2003
- 28/02/2003 - Joint report by the Commission and the Council on adequate and sustainable pensions
- 20/02/2003 - Joint report by the Commission and the Council on supporting national strategies for the future of health care and care for the elderly
- 25/10/2002 - Opinion by the Economic Policy Committee on the Commission Communication of 16 October 2002 on Structural Indicators
- 05/07/2002 - Reform challenges facing public pension systems: the impact of certain parametric reforms on pension expenditure
- 05/03/2002 - Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2002
- 05/03/2002 - Report by the (Ecofin) Council to the European Council in Barcelona on a strategy to integrate environment and sustainable development within economic policies
- 05/03/2002 - Joint EPC/SPC draft for a Council Report in the field of health care and care for the elderly.
- 26/02/2002 - Draft Joint Report from the Commission and the Council: Report requested by the Stockholm European Council "Increasing labour-force participation and promoting active ageing"
- 22/01/2002 - Annex A: Detailed reports of visits to Member States and US/Canada
- 22/01/2002 - Annex B: R&D, innovation and productivity: the theoretical framework
- 22/01/2002 - Annex C: Technology diffusion
- 22/01/2002 - Annex D: Economic incentives to business R&D
- 22/01/2002 - Annex E: Indicators of R&D and innovation: the EU’s relative
- 22/01/2002 - Annex F: IPRs – US experience
- 22/01/2002 - Services and Innovation: Dynamics of Service Innovation in the European Union
- 30/11/2001 - Opinion by the Economic Policy Committee on the Commission Communication of 30th October 2001 on Structural Indicators
- 23/11/2001 - Quality and viability of pensions - Joint report on objectives and working methods in the area of pensions
- 07/11/2001 - The impact on public spending on pensions, health and long-term care for the elderly and possible indicators of the long-term sustainability of public finances.
- 25/10/2001 - Report on potential output and output gap
- 24/10/2001 - The impact on public spending on pensions, health and long-term care for the elderly and possible indicators of the long-term sustainability of public finances
- 12/03/2001 - The contribution of public finances to growth and employment: improving quality
- 06/03/2001 - Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2001
- 28/11/2000 - Report by the (Ecofin) Council to the European Council in Nice on environment and sustainable development
- 06/11/2000 - Progress report to the Ecofin Council on the Impact of ageing populations on public pension systems
- 26/10/2000 - Report by the Economic Policy Committee to ECOFIN on "Structural Indicators: an Instrument for Better Structural Policies"
- 14/03/2000 - Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2000
- 08/03/1999 - Synthesis report on structural reforms in Member States